
Middle East

United Arab Emirates

  • 2001, Reservoir Geology Study of Arab A and B Zones From 18 Selected Wells in Umm Shaif Field, Offshore Abu Dhabi, ADMA/OPCO
  • 2002, Reservoir Geology and Fracture Description Study of the Arab D Formation Well- US-173-2H Umm Shaif Field, Offshore Abu Dhabi, ADMA/OPCO
  • 2003, Reservoir Geology and Fracture Description Study of the Arab C3 and D2 Sub- Zones, WELL:  US-281, Umm Shaif Field, Offshore Abu Dhabi, ADMA/OPCO

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • 2004, Petrographic evaluation of Selected Conventional Core Samples from the Arab-D Formation, UTMN-1521 Well, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco

  • 2005, Petrographic Evaluation of Selected Conventional Core Samples from the Khuff Formation HRDH-51, HRDH-912 and HWYH-210 Wells OOK-37/05 Project, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco

  • 2005, Petrographic Evaluation of Selected Conventional Core Samples from the Ahmadi and Mauddud Formations, Wells SFNY-636, 666, and 690, Safaniya Field, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco


  • 2009, Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Yamama Formation, (Wells WQ-013, 014, 115, 148, and 203), West Qurna Field, Iraq, Chevron
  • 2009, Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Mishrif Formation, (Wells WQ- 002, 013, 014, 017, 115, 148, 200, and 203), West Qurna Field, Iraq, Chevron


From 2001 to 2022, I have described almost all formations and reservoir intervals, thousands of thousands of feet of core for Kuwait Oil Company and Joint Operations (Chevron and Kuwait Gulf Oil Company) in Kuwait.  Some of them are listed below:


  • Reservoir Geology Study of the Ratawi Limestone, from 7 Selected Wells in the Wafra Field, Kuwait - Saudi Arabia Partitioned Neutral Zone, Joint Operations  

  • Core Description of the Ratawi Limestone, Well R-148, the Wafra Field, Kuwait - Saudi Arabia Partitioned Neutral Zone, Joint Operations
  • Geological Reservoir Description Study (17 Wells) of the Lower Cretaceous Minagish Reservoir Minagish Field, West Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Petrographic  Evaluation  of  Selected Conventional  Core  Samples  from  the Marrat Formation, MN-132 Well Minagish Field Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Core Description and Petrographic Evaluation of the First Eocene Limestone, Umm Er Radhuma Formation Wells ST – 912, ST-914, and ST-915 Partitioned Neutral Zone, Joint Operations
  • Reservoir Characterization of the Middle Marrat Member, Wells BH-28, BH-29, DA-002, MU-013 and UR-001, Onshore Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Hartha Formation (Wells MN-137, MN-139 AND MN-153), Minagish Field, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company  
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Ratawi Limestone and Ratawi Oolite Well SF-18, South Fuwaris Field, Partitioned Neutral Zone, Joint Operations
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Tayarat Formation (Maastrichtian), Well SF-M2 South Fuwaris Field, Partitioned Neutral Zone, Joint Operations
  • Sedimentology and Petrography of the Middle Marrat Member and the Najmah/Sargelu Formations from RQ-175 Well, Ratqa Filed, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentological  and  Petrographic  Evaluation  of  the  Ratawi  Limestone,  Minagish Limestone,and  Makhul  Formation,  KA-002  Well,  Kahlulah  Field,  Kuwait,  Kuwait  Oil Company
  • Sedimentology and Petrology Study of the Hith Formation, Wells RU-2, RU-3, and SW- 01, Rugei Area, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentological and Petrographic Evaluation of the Ratawi Shale from the Wells AD- 035, AD-036, KA-001, KA-002, KM-002, KM-004, NWUG-001, RQ-174, and WAD-001, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentology and Petrography of the Najmah/Sargelu Formation from the DF-16 Well Dharif Filed, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentology and Petrography of the Middle Marrat Member from the UG-171 Well Umm Gudair Field, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Ratawi Formation from the SF-28H, SF-34H  and  SF-50H  Wells, South  Fuwaris  Field,  Partitioned  Neutral  Zone,  Joint Operations
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Makhul Formation, Minagish and Ratawi  limestones from  the  Well KA-0002 Well, Kahlulah  Field, Kuwait,  Kuwait  Oil Company
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Mishrif Formation from the MN-170 and MN-182 Wells Minagish Field, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company  
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Ratawi Limestone from the RL-2 H Well, Wafra Field, Partitioned Neutral Zone, Joint Operations
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the First Eocene Reservoir, Umm Er Radhuma Formation Well S-785, Partitioned Neutral Zone, Joint Operations   
  • Sedimentologic   and   Petrographic   Evaluation   of   the   Hartha,   Wara,   and   Burgan Formations, from the NW - 3 Well, West Wafra Field, Partitioned Neutral Zone (PNZ), Joint Operations
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Ratawi Limestone from the SF-39H and SGRL-2 Wells, Wafra Field, Partitioned Neutral Zone (PNZ), Joint Operations
  • Sedimentological and Petrographic Evaluation of the Middle Marrat Member of the Marrat Formation from the SBG-001 and SBG-002 Wells, South Burgan Field, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Wara Formations from the W - 178 Well, West Wafra Field, Partitioned Neutral Zone (PNZ), Joint Operations
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Wara and Ahmadi Formations from   the ARQ-3 and ARQ-5 Wells, Arq Field, Partitioned Neutral Zone (PNZ), Joint Operations
  • Sedimentological  and  Petrographical Evaluation  of  the  Ratawi  Formation (Ratawi Limestone and Ratawi Oolite) from the SF-32 Well, South Fuwaris Field, Partitioned Neutral Zone (PNZ), Joint Operations
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the First Eocene Reservoir, Umm Er Radhuma Formation from the S-1109 Well, Partitioned Zone, Joint Operations
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Tayarat Formation (Maastrichtian) from the AB-013 Well, Abduliyah Field, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Middle Marrat Member of the Marrat Formation from the BG-0824 Well, Burgan Field, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Ahmadi Formation from the ARQ - 4 Well, Arq Field, Partitioned Zone, Joint Operations
  • Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Mauddud and Burgan Formations from the BH-0033, BH-0037, and BH-0038 Wells, Bahrah Field, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentological and Petrographic Evaluation of the Middle Marrat Member of the Marrat Formation from the KA-0003 Well, Kahlulah Field, Kuwait, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentological and Petrographic Evaluation of the Middle Marrat Member of the Marrat and Najmah/Sargelu Formations from the ADL-0002 Well, Adal Field, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentological and Petrographic Evaluation of the Tuba Limestone Member of the Ahmadi Formation from the SA-0835 ST1 Well, Sabriyah Field, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentology and Petrography of the Najmah Formation from the NWRA-0006 Well Northwest Area, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentological and Petrographic Evaluation of the Ratawi Limestone from the Well MN- 0247, Minagish Field, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentological and Petrographic Evaluation of the Middle Marrat Member of the Marrat Formation from the MN-0236 Well, Minagish Field, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Petrographic Analyses (Thin Section, Scanning Electron Microscopy, and X-Ray Diffraction) selected samples of the Wara, Mauddud, and Burgan Formations from the Well AH-0236P, Ahmadi Filed, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company
  • Sedimentological and Petrographic Evaluation of the Makhul Formation from the MN- 0259 Well, Minagish Field, Kuwait, Kuwait Oil Company

Other Areas

Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, USA, Azerbaijan, Qatar, and Nigeria


2011, Sedimentologic and Petrographic Evaluation of the Upper Devonian Reservoirs of 23 Wells from the Volga-Ural Region, Samara, Russia, Hess

"Unlocking the geological secrets of the Middle East's hydrocarbon potential through expertise in sedimentology, depositional environments, facies analysis, sequence stratigraphy, and reservoir characterization."